Food safety is everyone's business, June 7th World Food Safety Day


World Food Safety Day is celebrated every year on June 7th and aims to raise awareness about the importance of food safety. This day recognizes the vital importance of food safety for consumer health, public health, and the well-being of societies.

This year's campaign 'Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected' focuses on how to be prepared for food safety incidents. Food safety incidents affect health, livelihoods, and businesses, but we can all be ready and reduce the risk.

The Importance of Food Safety

Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that ensure that food is safe to consume and does not pose a health risk to people. Ensuring food safety involves managing the risks associated with contamination by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, and chemicals.

The Main Threats to Food Safety

Microbiological hazards: Pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria can cause severe food poisoning.

Chemicals: Pesticide residues, heavy metals, and other toxic substances can contaminate food.

Physical hazards: Foreign objects like glass, metal, and plastic can be found in food and cause injuries.

Best Practices for Ensuring Food Safety

Good hygiene practices: Proper hand hygiene, as well as the cleanliness of tools and surfaces, is essential to prevent cross-contamination.

Thermal processing: Proper cooking of food kills most pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Proper storage temperature: Refrigerating and freezing food limits the growth of microorganisms.

Secure suplly: Choosing reliable suppliers and properly transporting food is crucial to avoid contamination.

At Kobatsiaris Bros S.A., food safety is a fundamental value and top priority. World Food Safety Day reminds us of the critical importance of safety in the food supply chain and our commitment to producing and distributing safe and high-quality food.

The Importance of Food Safety at Kobatsiaris Bros S.A.

Strict Adherence to Protocols: We implement strict hygiene and safety protocols at every stage of the production process, from sourcing raw materials to the final distribution of our products in the market.

Continuous Staff Training: We ensure that our staff is continuously updated and trained in the latest food safety practices.

Quality Certifications: We possess 9 quality management standard certifications and fully comply with current legislation, the guidelines of the National Food Safety Authority (EFET), and the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system at all stages of processing, portioning, packaging, and transporting our products.

Our Key Principles for Safe Foods

Transparency and Traceability: We utilize modern traceability systems that allow us to monitor the journey of our products at every stage of production and distribution.

Collaboration with Reliable Suppliers: We carefully select our suppliers, ensuring they meet the highest standards of safety and quality.

Innovation and Technology: We invest in new technologies and innovative production methods that enhance food safety and improve the quality of our products.

The trust of consumers and partners is our driving force. For 55 years, we have been providing catering services and high-quality products that are safe and nutritious, recognizing that food safety is not just an obligation but a responsibility to society and our customers.

World Food Safety Day serves as an important reminder of the need for constant vigilance and commitment to food safety. At Kobatsiaris Bros S.A., we remain faithful to our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety and quality in catering services, contributing to the health and well-being of everyone.



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